eLibrary: BIODIVERSITY. Version 1.0 (August 2021)
The purpose of this eLibrary is to introduce scientific research and debate on a range of themes concerning the loss of biodiversity. The list is not intended to be exhaustive. For readers new to the field, we recommend reading the Abstract and Conclusion first, before deciding whether to invest further in a specific piece. All the pieces are free-online. However, some items have been republished in Academia Edu [AE] and Research Gate [RG]. These can be accessed simply by registering at each (once only).
Adom, D. e.a. (2019) ‘The Concept of Biodiversity and its Relevance to Mankind: A Short Review’ Journal of Agriculture and Sustainability, 12, 2, 219-231.
Alsterberg, C. e.a. (2017) ‘Habitat diversity and ecosystem multifunctionality—The importance of direct and indirect effects’, Science Advances, 3, 2,
Amendt, J. (2021) ‘Insect Decline—A Forensic Issue?’ Insects, 12, 342
Anton, C., Mupepele A-C. and Steinicke, H. (2018) Species decline in the agricultural landscape: What do we know and what can we do? (German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, National Academy of Science and Engineering and Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities)
Bar-On, Y.M., Phillips, R. and Milo, R. (2018). ‘The biomass distribution on Earth’ PNAS 115, 6506-6511
Biek, R. e.a. (2002) ‘What Is Missing in Amphibian Decline Research: Insights from Ecological Sensitivity Analysis’ Conservation Biology, 16, 3, 728-734.
BirdLife International (2019) Birds and Biodiversity Targets
Bos, F. And Ruijs, A. (2019) Biodiversity in the Dutch practice of cost-benefit analysis (CPB, The Hague)
Brook, B.W., Sodhi, N.S. and Bradshaw, C.J.A. (2008) ‘Synergies among extinction drivers under global change’ Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 23, 8, 450-460.
Brooks T.M. (2002) ‘Habitat Loss and Extinction in the Hotspots of Biodiversity’……
Bruil, J e.a. (2021) Farming with Biodiversity, WWF.
Ceballos, G., Erlich, P.R. and Raven, P.H. (2020) ‘Vertebrates on the brink as indicators of biological annihilation and the sixth mass extinction’ PNAS, 117, 24, 13596–13602
Ceballos, G. e.a. (2015) ‘Accelerated modern human–induced species losses: Entering the sixth mass extinction’, Science Advances, 1, 5,
Centre for Biological Diversity (2020) Saving Life on Earth. A Plan to Halt the Global Extinction Crisis
Colwell, R.K. (????) ‘Biodiversity: Concepts, Patterns, and Measurement’ in………..
Collins, J.P. (2010) ‘Amphibian decline and extinction: What we know and what we need to learn’, Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 92, 93-99.
Cushman, S.A. (2006) ‘Effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on amphibians: A review and prospectus’, Biological Conservation, 128, 131-140.
Dasgupta, P. (2021), The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review. (London: HM Treasury)
Debinski, D.M. and Holt, R.D. (2000) ‘A Survey and Overview of Habitat Fragmentation Experiments’ Conservation Biology, 14, 2, 342-355.
Doherty, T.S. e.a. (2016) ‘Invasive predators and global biodiversity loss’, PNAS, 113. 40, 11261–11265
Duraiappah, A.K. and Naeem, S. (2005) Ecosystems and Human Well-Being. Biodiversity Synthesis. A Report of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
Elmqvist, T. Zipperer. W.C. and Güneralp, B. (2016) ‘Urbanization, Habitat Loss and Biodiversity Decline. Solution pathways to break the cycle’ in The Routledge Handbook of Urbanization and Global Environmental Change, 139-151
European Court of Auditors (2020) Biodiversity on farmland: CAP contribution has not halted the decline,
Fahrig, L. (2018) ‘Habitat fragmentation: A long and tangled tale’ Global Ecology and Biogeography, 33-41.
FAO (2013) The Youth Guide to Biodiversity
Fleming I.A. and Aagaard, K. (1993) Documentation and Measurement of Biodiversity, Utreanding 050
Franco, J.L.A. (2013) ‘The concept of biodiversity and the history of conservation biology: from wilderness preservation to biodiversity conservation’, História (São Paulo), 32, 2, 21-48.
Franklin, A.B., Noon, B.R. and George, T.L. (2002) ‘What is Habitat Fragmentation’ Journal of Avian Biology, 25, 20-29.
Goulson, D. (????) Insect declines and why they matter Wild Life Trusts
Guerquin, F and Ventocilla, J.L. (2020) Supporting the Global Biodiversity Agenda. A United Nations System Commitment for Action to assist Member States delivering on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.
Hanski, I. (2015) ‘Habitat fragmentation and species richness’ Journal of Biogeography, 42, 5, 989-993.
Huang, S.L. e.a. (2012)‘Common pattern of population decline for freshwater cetacean species in deteriorating habitats’, Freshwater Biology,
Inger, R. e.a. (2014) ‘Common European birds are declining rapidly while less abundant species’ numbers are rising’, Ecology Letters
Kerr, J.T.,e.a. (2015) ‘Climate change impacts on bumblebees converge across continents’. Science 349, 177-180.
Kotze, D.J. and O’Hara, R.B. (2003) ‘Species decline – but why? Explanations of carabid beetle (Coleoptera, Carabidae) declines in Europe’ Oecologia, 135, 138–148
Li, J-W e.a. (2020) ‘Recovery plans need better science to support decisions that allow species to decline in abundance but be recovered‘ Preprint from BioRxiv
Losey, J.E. and Vaughan, M. (2006). The economic value of ecological services provided by insects. Bioscience, 56, 311-323.
Meijaard, E. e.a. (2018) Oil Palm and Biodiversity, IUCN
Mokany K. e.a. (2020) ‘Reconciling global priorities for conserving biodiversity habitat’, PNAS, 117, 18, 9906-9011.
Mormal, R.P. e.a. (2017) ‘Looking for attitudes related to amphibian species decline: how are peer-reviewed publications of education activities compared to ecological research?’ Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 89(1 Suppl.), 491-496.
Mullu, D. (2016) ‘A Review on the Effect of Habitat Fragmentation on Ecosystem’ Journal of Natural Science Research, 6, 15, 1-15
Musters, C.J.M., Kalkman, V. and Strein, A. van (2013) ‘Predicting rarity and decline in animals, plants, and mushrooms based on species attributes and indicator groups’ Ecology and Evolution, 3, 10, 3401-3414.
Nichols J.D. e.a. (1998) ‘Estimating Rates of Local Species Extinction, Colonization, and Turnover in Animal Communities’ Ecological Applications, 8, 4, 1212-1225.
OECD (2013) OECD work on biodiversity and ecosystems
Ogoda, D.L., Keesing, F. and Virani, M.Z. (2011) ‘Dropping dead: causes and consequences of vulture population declines worldwide’ Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1-15
Ollerton, J., Winfree, R. and Tarrant, S. (2011) ‘How many flowering plants are pollinated by animals?’ Oikos 120, 321-326.
Rawat, U.S. and Agerwal (2015) ‘Biodiversity: Concept, Threats and Conservation’, Environment Conservation Journal, 16, 3, 19-28. (RG)
Ripple W.J. (2014) ‘Status and Ecological Effects of the World’s Largest Carnivores’, Science,
Sanchez-Bayo, F. & Wyckhuys, K.A.G. (2019) ‘Worldwide decline of the entomofauna: A review of its drivers’ Biological Conservation, 232: 8-27
Sobrevila, C. (2008) The Role of Indigenous Peoples in Biodiversity Conservation, World Bank
Sodhi, N.S., Brook, B.W. and Bradshaw, C.J.A. (2003) ‘Causes and consequences of species extinctions’ in S.A. Lewin e.a. (eds) The Princeton Guide to Ecology. RG
Stanton, R.L., Morrisey, C.A. and Clark, R.G. (2018). ‘Analysis of trends and agricultural drivers of farmland bird declines in North America: a review’ Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 254, 244-254.
Thomas, C.D. e.a. (2004) ‘Extinction risk from climate change’, Nature, 427, 8, 145-148.
Ulrich, J. e.a. (2020) ‘Invertebrate Decline Leads to Shifts in Plant Species Abundance and Phenology’, Frontiers in Plant Science,
UN (2012) A Framework for Corporate Action on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. UN Global Compact and IUCN
UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) (2013). Global chemicals outlook: Towards sound management of chemicals. Geneva: UNEP
UNESCO, Biodiversity Factsheet. What is Biodiversity?
Veen M.P. van e.a. (2007) Halting biodiversity loss in the Netherlands Evaluation of progress, NEAA and WUR.
Veer, N. de (2008) Biodiversity (EDIT Summer School 2008 Modern Taxonomy and Field Work)
Wagner, D.L. (2020) ‘Insect Declines in the Anthropocene’, Annual Review of Entomology, 63, 457-480.
Warren. M.S. e.a. (2020) ‘The decline of butterflies in Europe: Problems, significance, and possible solutions’, PNAS, 118, 2.
Wilson, M.C. e.a. (2016) ‘Habitat fragmentation and biodiversity conservation: key findings and future challenges’, Landscape Ecology, 31, 2, 219-227. [RG]
WWF and Buglife (2019) Bees Under Siege from Habitat Loss, Climate Change and Pesticides