eLibrary METHANE

Updated 4 November 2021

Eighty times more potent than carbon, but with a considerable shorter life-span, Methane is responsible for about 30 per cent of GhG emissions. The purpose of this eLibrary is to introduce the some of the recent evidence on the sources of methane emissions and the impact on global warming. The list is not intended to be exhaustive. All the pieces are free-online. However, some items have been republished in Academia Edu [AE] and Research Gate [RG]. These can be accessed simply by registering at each (once only). 

Aksyutin, O.E., e.a. (2019) ‘The Influence of Methane on Climate Change’, International Journal of GEOMATE, 16, 55, 153-159.

Al-Haj, A,N, and Fulwieler, R.W. (2020) ‘A synthesis of methane emissions from shallow vegetated coastal ecosystems’, Climate Change Biology

Alvarez, R.A., e.a. (2018) ‘Assessment of methane emissions from the U.S. oil and gas supply chain’, Science, 361 [RG]

Amstel, A. van (2012) ‘Methane. A review’, Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences 9(sup1), 1-26. [RG]

Balcombe, P., e.a. (2018) ‘Methane emissions: choosing the right climate metric and time horizon’, Environmental Science. Processes, Impacts, 18

Boucher, O. (2012) ‘Comparison of physically- and economically-based CO2 -equivalences for methane’, Earth System Dynamics, 3, 1-29.

CCAC and UNEP (2021) Global Methane Assessment. Benefits and Costs of Mitigating Methane Emissions (173pp)

Cristea, A., e.a. (2011) Trade and the greenhouse gas emissions from international freight transport, NBER Working Paper 17117

Cusworth, D.H., e.a (2021) ‘Intermittency of Large Methane Emitters in the Permian Basin’, Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 8, 7, 56-573.

Dean, J.F., e.a (2018) ‘Methane feedbacks to the global climate system in a warmer world’, Review of geophysics, 56, 207-250.

Dillon, J.A., e.a. (2020) ‘Current state of enteric methane and the carbon footprint of beef and dairy cattle in the United States’, Animal Frontiers, 11, 4, 57-68.

EDF (??) Measuring Methane: A Groundbreaking Effort to Quantify Methane Emissions from the Oil and Gas Industry (12pp)

Elkind, J., e.a. (2020) Nowhere to Hide: The Implications of Satellite-Based Methane Detection for Policy, Industry, And Finance (19pp)

Englert, D. (2021) The Role of LNG in the Transition Toward Low- and Zero-Carbon Shipping (94pp) World Bank

European Commission (2020) EU strategy to reduce methane emissions, COM(2020) 663 final

France, J.L., e.a. (2021) ‘Facility level measurement of offshore oil and gas installations from a medium-sized airborne platform: method development for quantification and source identification of methane emissionsAtmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 1, 71–88.

Gallagher, M.E., e.a. (2015) ‘Natural Gas Pipeline Replacement Programs Reduce Methane Leaks and Improve Consumer Safety’, Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2, 10, 286-291. 

Gedney, N., e.a. (2019) ‘Significant feedbacks of wetland methane release on climate change and the causes of their uncertainty’, Environmental Research Letters, 14, 8.

GMA. 2021. United Nations Environment Programme and Climate and Clean Air Coalition (2021). Global Methane Assessment: Benefits and Costs of Mitigating Methane Emissions (173pp)

Ghaib, K. and Ben-Fares, F-Z. (2018) ‘Power-to-Methane: A state-of-the-art review’, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 18, 1, 433-446.

Heath, G. e.a. (2015)  Estimating U.S. Methane Emissions from the Natural Gas Supply Chain: Approaches, Uncertainties, Current Estimates, and Future Studies (60pp)

Hmiel,B., e.a. (2020) ‘Preindustrial 14CH4 indicates greater anthropogenic fossil CH4 emissions’, Nature, 578, 409-412 Abstract

Howarth, R.W. (2019) ‘Is shale gas a major driver of recent increase in global atmospheric methane?’, Biogeosciences, 16, 3033–3046

IEA (2021) Driving Down Methane Leaks from the Oil and Gas Industry A regulatory roadmap and toolkit (99pp)

Interagency Working Group on Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases, United States Government (2021) Social Cost of Carbon, Methane, and Nitrous Oxide, (48pp) Technical Support Document

International Gas Union (IGU) (2017) Methane’s Impact on Climate Change (9pp)

Jackson, R.B., e.a. (2020) ‘Increasing anthropogenic methane emissions arise equally from agricultural and fossil fuel sources’, Environmental Research Letters, 15, 7.

Jackson, R.B., e.a. (2021) ‘Atmospheric methane removal: a research agenda’, Philosophcal Transactions of the Royal Society

Jan Liebetrau, e.a. (2017) Methane emissions from biogas plants Methods for measurement, results and effect on greenhouse gas balance of electricity produced (52pp)

Kleinen, T., e.a. (2021) ‘Atmospheric methane underestimated in future climate projections’, Environmental Research Letters, 16, 9.

Lattanzio, R.K., e.a. (2016) Methane: An Introduction to Emission Sources and Reduction Strategies (51pp) US Congressional Research Service 

Lauvaux, T., e.a. (2021) Global Assessment of Oil and Gas Methane Ultra-Emitters (36pp) ????

Le Fevre, C. (2017) Methane Emissions: from blind spot to spotlight (40pp) OIES Working paper

Lifshits, S.K., e.a. (2018) ‘The Role of Methane and Methane Hydrates in the Evolution of Global Climate’, American Journal of Climate Change, 7, 2

McKay, K., e.a. (2021) ‘Methane emissions from upstream oil and gas production in Canada are underestimated’, Nature

Merrin, Z. and Francisco, P.W. (2019) Unburned Methane Emissions from Residential Natural Gas Appliances. Environmental Science & Technology, 53, 9, 5473-5482. 

Mohajan, H.K. (2012) ‘Dangerous Effects of Methane Gas in Atmosphere’, Journal of Economic and Political Integration, 2, 1, 3–10.

Munnings, C. and Krupnick, A. (2017) Comparing Policies to Reduce Methane Emissions in the Natural Gas Sector (44pp)

Nisbet, E.G., e.a (2019) ‘Very Strong Atmospheric Methane Growth in the 4 Years 2014–2017: Implications for the Paris Agreement’ Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 33, 3, 3-18-342

Nisbet, E.G., e.a. (2020) ‘Methane Mitigation: Methods to Reduce Emissions, on the Path to the Paris Agreement’, Review of Geophysics, 58, 1.

Niu, M, e.a. (2020) ‘Prediction of enteric methane production, yield, and intensity in dairy cattle using an intercontinental database’, Global Change Biology

Ocko, I.B., e.a. (2021) ‘Acting rapidly to deploy readily available methane mitigation measures by sector can immediately slow global warming’Environmental Research Letters, 16, 5.

Pavlenko, N., e.a. (2020) The climate implications of using LNG as a marine fuel, (40pp) ICET Working Paper

Prather, M.J. and Holmes, C.D. (2017) ‘Overexplaining or underexplaining methane’s role in climate changePNAS, 114, 21

Qin, Y. , e.a. (2017) ‘Resources and geology of coalbed methane in China: a review, International Geology Review, 60, 5-6

Saint Vincent, P.M.B. and Pekney, N.J. (2020) ‘Beyond-the-Meter: Unaccounted Sources of Methane Emissions in the Natural Gas Distribution SectorEnvironmental Science and Technology, 54, 1, 2020. 

Scarpelli, T.R., e.a. (2020) ‘A global gridded (0.1° × 0.1°) inventory of methane emissions from oil, gas, and coal exploitation based on national reports to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’ Earth System Science Data, 12, 1, 563–575 [RG]

Schaefner, H. (2019) ‘On the Causes and Consequences of Recent Trends in Atmospheric Methane’ Current Climate Change Reports, 5, 259-274.

Shen, L., e.a. (2021). Unravelling a large methane emission discrepancy in Mexico using satellite observationsRemote Sensing of Environment, 260.

Stern, J. (2020) Methane Emissions from Natural Gas and LNG Imports: an increasingly urgent issue for the future of gas in Europe (57pp) OIES Working Paper 165.

Swanson, C., e.a. (2020) Sailing to Nowhere: Liquefied Natural Gas is not an Effective Climate Strategy (30pp)

Tao, S., Chen, S. and Pan, Z. (2019) ‘Current status, challenges, and policy suggestions for coalbed methane industry development in China: A review’, Energy Science and Engineering, 7, 1059–1074

Turner, A.J., Frankenberg, C. and Kort, E.A. (2019) ‘Interpreting contemporary trends in atmospheric methanePNAS 

UNEP (2021) Global Methane Assessment Benefits and Costs of Mitigating Methane Emissions. (173pp) 

US, EPA (2019) Methane Emissions in the United States: Sources, Solutions & Opportunities for Reductions (42pp)

Wang, P., e.a. ‘Microbial characteristics in anaerobic digestion process of food waste for methane production–A review’, Bioresource Technology, 248-A, 29-36

Weber, T., Wiseman, N.A. and Kock, A. (2019) ‘Global ocean methane emissions dominated by shallow coastal waters’, Nature Communication.

Zhang, D., e.a. (2020) ‘Fingerprint of rice paddies in spatial–temporal dynamics of atmospheric methane concentration in monsoon Asia’. Nature Communications

Zhang, X.B. and Xu, J (2018) ‘Optimal policies for climate change: A joint consideration of CO2 and methane’, Applied Energy, 211, 1021-1029.

Zhang, Y., e.a. (2020) ‘Quantifying methane emissions from the largest oil-producing basin in the United States from space’, Science Advances, 6, 17Zhang, Z., e.a (2017) ‘Emerging role of wetland methane emissions in driving 21st century climate change’, PNAS,